Health, Safety & Environment

Health, Safety & Environment
Since the early stages of any product development, our chemists have well in mind the target of the lowest environmental impact. Minimization of polluting wastes produced by the manufacturing process is one of the main criteria considered during the R&D activities.
Control of ecological impact is also achieved through the use of adequate facilities, inspired where possible to the Best Available techniques: an up-to-date internal treatment of waste water and gaseous emission is employed, including use of activated sludges and cryogenic condensation of VOCs.
Further witness of our commitment to the protection of environment is the role of AMSA and Cosmaas shareholders in the waste treatment company “Ecolombardia 4” and of AMSA in the Consortium “Comodepur”, a waste water treatment plant owned by the municipality of Como.
Health, Safety & Environment
Ethics and Transparence
Since our foudation, we put our effort in conducting business in a fair and honest way, and our ambition is to be universally recognized as an honourable and trustworthy partner. More recently, our group has adopted a Code of Conduct that is meant to summarize and reflect this set of values that we strive to follow since over 70 years. Our code of conduct can be accessed here:

Health, Safety & Environment
We recognise safety is the first priority overall, both for our workers and the community.
All our plants operate in strict accordance to the standards set by EU authorities, and under constant oversight by national inspection bodies. AMSA and Cosma were also inspected on-site by auditors of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) for all aspects related to EHS, while Clarochem Ireland is an award-winning member of the National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO).
The sustainability framework of AMSA and Cosma is also assessed by EcoVadis.
All our industrial operations are in full compliance to European CLP and REACH regulations. Such adherence is monitored and managed by internal expert personnel with extensive knowledge of the norm.